Wednesday, March 16, 2011

There are no followers yet...


Assuming you are not Trey, Chad, or Phil.
-the latter

Friday, March 11, 2011

What does this word mean? How do you spell....?

ok, so Jen tells me "I'm not your human dictionary".I don't feel that I should search the internet with or to find out what a word means or how to spell it. How do I know the site is even right?
-not a lot of word knowledge

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hey Phil

Hey Phil, I just posted something in your facebook. Oh wait, no I didn't. - Chad

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

we need money? fans, give us money. "donate"...ya that's it.

what the heck! I am soooooo tired of these bands lately always asking for "donations" to help out on eps, albums, van repairs, merch, "we got our stuff stolen and need help buying new stuff"...ect. Some of the bands have been around a while and ? Where is the money you have made from previous stuff and what do you do in your spare time? work? if so, you wouldn't be asking for money. why don't you ask your family first, or your church to help you. or, your label!? if your not on a label, get a job and save. if you have 4-5 members in your band, it will take you no time to save up the money for whatever it is you need. until then, I have no money for you. I do have money for my family and those closest to me.

thanks for taking the time to read my rant.